A young girl writes a letter to the editor of the New York Sun. “Dear Editor, I am eight years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says if you see it in the Sun, it’s so. Please tell me the truth. Is there a Santa Claus?” Ed Mitchell, the editor, assigns Frank Church—a reporter on the verge of self destruction—the task of answering Virginia’s question. Church’s quest and reply have become one of the world’s most quoted and beloved editorials.
A free holiday gift to you from Studio Players.
The event is free, on December 19th and 23rd at 7:30pm, but Studio Players would be grateful for any Donation to help defray the cost of ongoing maintenance to our 100-year-old building.
On the days of the performance, the Video will be live on this page.
Just click the play button below at the appropriate time.
- Renee Litwin: Mr. Mitchell
- Sophie Chen: Virginia O’Hanlon
- Jeff Parsons: James O’Hanlon
- Alexis Saarela: Evie O’Hanlon
- Joanna de Jesus: Sean O’Hanlon, Teddy
- John Fraissinet: Frank P. Church
- Jack Pignatello: Announcer, Santa Claus, Tom Pryor and the Thief
- Allyssa Hynes: Andrea Borland
- Donna Fraissinet: Mrs Goldstein
- Josephine Perez: Maria Donelli & attendant
- Cameron Alvaro: Julie & Newsboy
- Amaya Pinet: Susan & little girl
- Theresa Fierro: Schuller, Otho, Mother in street, Shannon, and Celeste
- Doris Valentin: George, cop 1 & old man + Blake
- Nelson DePasquale: Dominic Donelli, O’Hara plus Fritz & Father
- Fred Alvaro: Chambers, Barrington, & Tom Pryor
- Rich Dwyer: Goss, Flynn, and Red
- Lisa Geerhart: STAGE MANAGER + Jim’s voice, Cop 2 & Akins
This livestream or video recording was produced by special arrangement with Dramatic Publishing Company. All rights reserved. This performance is authorized for private, in-home use only. By viewing the livestream or video recording, you agree not to authorize or permit the livestream or recording to be downloaded, copied, distributed, broadcast, telecast or otherwise exploited, in whole or in part, in any media now known or hereafter developed. WARNING: Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures, videotapes or videodiscs. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and may constitute a felony with a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison and/or a $250,000.00 fine.
Produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois