Auditions: The Triangle Factory Fire Project

The Triangle Factory Fire Project

By: Christopher Piehler in collaboration with Scott Alan Evans

Directed by: Eric Robitaille

Audition Dates

November 17th, and 19th at 7:00 pm

Show Dates

  • January 24, 25, 31 and February 1, 7, 8 at 8:00 pm
  • January 26 and February 2 at 3:00 pm

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911 took the lives of 146 workers, most of whom were young, female immigrants between the ages of 13 and 23. These lives fell victim to corporate greed, corruption, and a prejudice that still raises its head in modern politics. What can these senseless actions teach us about ourselves and society over 100 years later?

The Triangle Factory ablaze

Character Descriptions and Audition Sides and Audition Process

Studio Players, in Montclair NJ, is seeking actors for our 2025 production of The Triangle Factory Fire Project. We are currently seeking a cast size of nine to fourteen diverse actors with each portraying multiple characters. In the character bios you will see both the casting range and the characters’ historical age.

Audition process: Please prepare either a short (1-2 minute) dramatic monologue or use one of the provided character sides found below.