Auditons: Mismatch Cabaret

Quality lyrics and music are timeless and compelling. Audition for an evening of song where songs typically sung by one gender are now reinterpreted and sung by another.

Performance Date:

September 21 at 8: 00 pm

Audition Process:

  1. Select a song that is usually sung by the opposite gender from how you identify.
  2. Film yourself singing the song. You can either sing along with a live accompanist, or if you are able to find a YouTube karaoke version (or similar) you can use that as accompaniment
  3. Upload the video to an online platform such as YouTube and make sure the link is viewable
  4. Fill out your submission by using the form below.
  5. We will let you know if you have been selected the week of September 1, 2024.
audition mismatch cafe, directed by Kevin Ohweiler

Submissions are now closed