Mark Twain wrote: “There are five kinds of actresses: bad actresses, fair actresses, good actresses, great actresses. And then there is Sarah Bernhardt.” At the turn of the 20th century, Sarah Bernhardt tackles her most ambitious role yet: the tragic Prince of Denmark. But is society ready for a female Hamlet? Faced with almost insurmountable odds, Bernhardt must decide to be or not to be…true to herself and the role of a lifetime.
By: Theresa Rebeck
Directed By: L.A. Mars
Show Dates
- March 14,15, 21, 22, 28, 29 at 8:00 pm
- March 16 and 23 at 3:00 pm
- Melody Combs Williams as Sarah Bernhardt
- Laura Anthony as Edmond Rostand
- Eric Williams as Constant Coquelin
- Arthur Carlson as Alphonse Mucha
- Mychal Leverage as Maurice Bernhardt/Worker
- Lydia De Souza as Lysette Mellot
- Bob Russell as Louis Lemercier
- Corrine Hower-Greene as Rosamond Gérard
- Kati Fortune as Raoul
- Niko Lento as François