The cast and crew of Cinderella, Cinderella literally took the show on the road and performed at the Giggles Theater as St. Joseph Children’s Hospital in Paterson.
According to the Giggles website, ” Giggles Children’s Theater (Giggles) draws its curtains three times each week to bring the healing powers of laughter and entertainment to hospitalized children in the city of Paterson, NJ. Located at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, Giggles creates an atmosphere of levity for sick children and their families, thereby stimulating the circulatory system, which in turn massages every organ in the body. Proven is that this type of physical and emotional stimulation directly impacts the recovery of every child – young and old.
Live performances are not limited to only those children well enough to visit the Giggles Theater. Each performance is broadcast live into the Hospital’s closed-circuit TV system so that no child is excluded due to sickness or incapacity. Each performance is also recorded so that it can be shared with the over 100 children’s hospitals around the world who also benefit from the charitable works of MMC, proving on a daily basis that “laughter is the best medicine”.
The cast and crew enjoyed performing for the children and their families, and they stayed after the performance so the children could take photos and get their programs signed.