All of Montclair. NJ is reeling right now from the after effect of Hurricane Ida which at one point dumped 4 inches of water in an hour. We have taken on over 5 feet of water in our basement.
The security camera’s from the gym across the street registered the bottom three panels of our garage door being destroyed and the high water lever going over our second porch step.
Our sump pumps are working but it’s like hitting an elephant with a fly swatter. We are waiting on Montclair Fire Dept to pump us out.
We can’t fully assess losses yet, but at minimum our new act curtain, our cyc, new flooring stated for the costume room are likely total losses. Without question we have also lost furniture, props, and other items.
We are grateful for anything you can donate (see form below) at this time. We will no doubt need to rent a dumpster at minimum. Clean up dates and times TBA.