The first children’s show of our 75th season is Law and Order:Nursery Rhyme Union, a comedy by Jane Jeffries and Jim Jefferies. The show is directed by Sue Mandzik Davis whose recent past shows include Cinderella, Cinderella and Snow White. The stage managers for the production are Alexandra Garbeck & Skyler Fortgang.
Join the Inspector and the Punnish Sir (who’s always scrambling for egg puns!) as they invest-egg-ate a crime scene where Humpty Dumpty has been found shattered and fowl play is suspected. They have one hour to solve the crime, the same time frame as a typical Law & Order episode, eggs-cluding commercials. Meet egg-citing nursery rhyme characters and follow the trail of clues, ending with an egg-stremely funny trial. There are plenty of yolks along the way as the case is cracked!
Performances dates are September 17, 18, 24, 25. Show times are at 1:30 and 3:30 each day.
Detective Green: Rob Kovacs
Punnish Sir: Jason Davis
Mare: Callie O’Rourke
Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe: Laurie Sammeth
So Many Children (Girl): Julia Nicosia
So Many Children (Boy): John Nicosia
Dr. Foster: Joe Ferriero
Beautiful Swan: Betty Shiferaw
Jack Be Nimble: Danny Vedova
Georgie Porgie: Dante Savanello
Little Boy Blue: Ed Kos
Mary Had a Little Lamb: Megan Hatem
Little Bo-Peep: Danielle Petrucelli
Sal: Kim Merlo
Mrs. Sprat: Lori Drew
Jack Sprat: Danny Vedova
Bailiff: John McCullough
Judge Mental: Laurie Sammeth
Prosecutor: Jennifer Reyes-Vega
Simple Simon: Dante Savanello
Defense Attorney: Kim Merlo
Mother Goose: Sam Silver
Surprise Witness: Joe Ferriero