Playwriting with Panache
Taught by: E. Dale Smith-Gallo
This four-week course works to free the playwright to find their unique voice as they craft an original 10-minute play based on prompts from the teacher. The approach is based in the works of Maria Irene Fornes with a “write first, edit later” mind-set that encourages playwrights to listen to their characters instead of forcing their actions onto them. The class will culminate in a presentation of the new works on Zoom as read by actors from the local theatre community.
About the Teacher:
E. Dale Smith-Gallo earned his MFA in Playwriting from Columbia University in 2009. He has had several plays staged in NYC including Iva Secret (Manhattan Rep.), Rhoda Heartbreak (The Players Theatre), and Stella Man (Manhattan Rep.). In 2015, his play Divine/Intervention was featured in the Fringe NYC festival earning “Outstanding Production of a Play.” His latest work, Fruma Sarah (Waiting in the Wings) is slated to receive a professional production at The Cell as soon as circumstances allow.
Class will meet via Zoom Thursdays from 7:00pm-9:00pm
starting on January 14th
Class size limited to 12
Cost : $48 with all proceeds benefitting Studio Players