
Rapunzel Brings Fun for Montclair Familes

Looking for family friendly fun in Montclair, NJ? Look no further than Studio Players Production of Rapunzel. Rapunzel Adapted by Karen Boettcher-Tate Directed by Beatriz Esteban-Messina Well-known characters from the classic story mingle with delightful new characters to answer your long-asked questions: HOW did Rapunzel end up in the tower? WHY is the witch so

Rapunzel Brings Fun for Montclair Familes Read More »

Montclair’s Studio Players Theatrical Stock Destroyed in Flash Flood

The flash flooding that hit Montclair and the greater Essex County area on August 11 took its toll at Studio Players.  Though our performance space, seating, and lobby are well above ground, our furniture and prop storage, scenic shop, and actor’s prep room and heating system are all below ground. The flood waters entered the

Montclair’s Studio Players Theatrical Stock Destroyed in Flash Flood Read More »