We Need a New Boiler and Your Help

(Studio on its day of purchase in 1937)
(Studio on its day of purchase in 1937)

In 1937 a small group found and purchased the building now home to Studio Players and Essex Youth Theater.

Sadly, our heating system contains parts that go back to the Depression Era is now beyond repair, and in need of immediate replacement. We’ve learned that the cost to replace our system (hopefully with one that will last another 70 years) is roughly $20,000.
No one is paid a salary at Studio Players. All money from tickets sales goes back into show production costs, and building upkeep. Our board of directors consists of community volunteers who are nurses, dentists, teachers, traffic reporters, and paralegals, just to name a few of our main occupations.

The board members donate their time at Studio Players to bring arts to the North New Jersey Community because we believe that live theatre enriches lives, sparks conversations, and opens doors. Please help us to continue to keep our doors open as we produce 8 shows a year for both children and adults, and provide a home for the theatrical classes and performances of Essex Youth Theatre.

Click this link https://www.gofundme.com/StudioPlayersNJ/ or the widget above to donate now.

If you would prefer, make a check out to Studio Players, and send it to 14 Alvin Place, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043. We thank you for you support! Whatever you can give is greatly appreciated!

Please help us to continue to give the gift of live theatre to North New Jersey. Whatever amount you can give we are most appreciative.

Here are some photos of our boiler. It’s amazing that it has lasted this long!

boiler 5

boiler 2


boiler 1